#12002/11/1 15:58:30
这是别人给我的 怎么看不懂............ #!/usr/bin/perl # # Script setup: # ------------- # # Change the first line of this file, if necessary. Either # '#!/usr/local/bin/perl' or '#!/usr/bin/perl' should work on any unix # system. # Change the configuration part below as described below. # Upload this file as ASCII to your cgi-bin and chmod it to 755, if # you have a unix server. # ( user: [x]read [x]write [x]execute # group: [x]read [ ]write [x]execute # other: [x]read [ ]write [x]execute ) # # # Form setup: # ----------- # # Required fields: # # ... and maybe setup a link to my # website , if you think that this script # or my site is worth it ;) # # enjoy ... bernd
###################################### # Script Configuration
# Uncomment the next line (ie remove the '#' from the line '# use CGI...'), # if you get a server error message while running the script. The error # message will then be redirected to the browser so that you can debug # the script more easily.
# use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
# Uncomment the next four lines, if you don't have access # to a sendmail program like 'sendmail' or 'qmail-inject' # and change $smtp_server to your SMTP server and $LOCALHOST # to the name of your computer.
use Socket; $LOCALHOST = 'localhost'; $smtp_server = 'mail.wxcsdz.com'; $smtp_port = 25;
# Uncomment and change the next line to your sendmail program, # if you have one. If you don't have one specify a smtp_server above.
# $sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
# Choose an alias for every recipient and enter it as shown # (Format: 'alias_name' => 'name@server.com'). # The alias has to be in the form field # .
%alias = ( 'to' => 'wxcsdz@wxcsdz.com', 'someone' => 'someone@somewhere.com' );
####################################### # No need to change anything below this line ... # %config = ( 'e-mail' => '', 'subject' => 'Form Feedback', 'name' => '', 'bgcolor' => 'white', 'redirect' => '', 'title' => '递交成功', 'required' => '', 'face' => 'Arial', 'to' => '', 'color' => 'black', 'linkURL' => '/', 'linkName' => 'home', 'order' => 'none', 'empty_fields' => 'no' );
&parse_form; if( $in{'to'} =~ m/\,/ ) { @recipients = split( /\,/, $in{'to'} ); $in{'to'} = shift( @recipients ); } if( $alias{$in{'to'}} ) { $in{'to'} = $alias{$in{'to'}} } else { &unknown_user( $in{'to'} ) } &check_required; &parse_config; &build_message; &send_message( $config{'to'} ); if( $#recipients > -1 ) { foreach( @recipients ) { if( $alias{$_} ) { $to = $alias{$_} } else { &unknown_user( $_ ) } $msg =~ s/^.*\n//; &send_message( $to ) } } $msg =~ s/^.*\n//; &return_html; exit;
sub return_html { if( $config{'redirect'} ) { print "Location: $config{'redirect'}\n\n"; exit; } print <<"__STOP__"; Content-Type: text/html
以下信息已经被寄往 $config{'to'}:
[ $config{'linkName'} ]
__STOP__ }
sub missing_fields { my $err = join( ", ", @_ ); print <<"__STOP__"; Content-Type: text/html
__STOP__ exit }
sub unknown_user { my $user = shift; print <<"__STOP__"; Content-Type: text/html
ERROR - unknown user
ERROR - unknown user
$user is not a registered user!
[ $config{'linkName'} ]
__STOP__ exit }
sub build_message { my $now_string = gmtime;
$msg .= "From: $config{'e-mail'} ($config{'name'})\n"; $msg .= "Subject: $config{'subject'}\n\n"; if( $config{'order'} ne 'none' ) { my @ordered_fields = split( /\,/, $config{'order'} ); foreach( @ordered_fields ) { &add_to_msg( $_ ); delete( $in{$_} ) } } foreach ( keys %in ) { &add_to_msg( $_ ); } $msg .= "---\n"; $msg .= "递交者的IP地址:$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}\n"; $msg .= "递交时间:$now_string (GMT).\n" }
sub send_message { my $to = shift;
$msg = "To: $to\n" . $msg; if( defined( $sendmail ) ) { open( MAIL, "| $sendmail" ) or die( "Can't open $sendmail, $!\n" ); print MAIL $msg; close( MAIL ) } elsif( $smtp_server && $smtp_port ) { send_smtp_mail( $to, $config{'e-mail'}, $msg ); # or die( "Can't send mail via smtp! Check you settings.\n" ); } else { die( "Don't know how to send mail!\n" . "Specify a valid smtp_host or sendmail program!\n" ) } }
sub check_required { return unless( $in{'required'} ); my @missing; my @required = split( /\,/, $in{'required'} ); foreach ( @required ) { if( $_ eq 'e-mail' ) { push( @missing, $_ ) unless( &check_mail($in{$_}) ) } elsif( !$in{$_} ) { push( @missing, $_ ) } } if( @missing ) { missing_fields( @missing ) } }
sub check_mail { if( $_[0] =~ /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)/ || $_[0] !~ /^.+\@(\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/ ) { return 0 } else { return 1 } }
sub parse_config { foreach ( keys %config ) { if( $in{$_} ) { $config{$_} = $in{$_}; delete $in{$_} } } }
sub parse_form { my( @pairs, $value, $name, $buffer ); if( $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD' } eq 'GET' ) { @pairs = split( /&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} ); } elsif( $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST' ) { read( STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} ); @pairs = split( /&/, $buffer ) } else { die( "unknown REQUEST_METHOD!\n" ) }
foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split( /=/, $pair ); $name =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ tr/+/ /; $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $name =~ s///g; $value =~ s///g; if( $in{$name} && $value ) { $in{$name} = "$in{$name}, $value" } else { $in{$name} = $value } } }
sub send_smtp_mail { my( $to, $from, $message ) = @_; my( $iaddr, $paddr, $proto ) = undef;
$iaddr = inet_aton( $smtp_server ); $paddr = sockaddr_in( $smtp_port, $iaddr ); $proto = getprotobyname( 'tcp' );
socket( SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto ) or return 0; connect( SOCK, $paddr ) or return 0;
receive_from_server( \*SOCK ) or return 0; send_to_server( \*SOCK, "HELO $LOCALHOST" ) or return 0; receive_from_server( \*SOCK ) or return 0; send_to_server( \*SOCK, "MAIL FROM: <$from>") or return 0; receive_from_server( \*SOCK ) or return 0; send_to_server( \*SOCK, "RCPT TO: <$to>" ) or return 0; receive_from_server( \*SOCK ) or return 0; send_to_server( \*SOCK, "DATA" ) or return 0; receive_from_server( \*SOCK ) or return 0; send_to_server( \*SOCK, "$message\n." ) or return 0; receive_from_server( \*SOCK ) or return 0; send_to_server( \*SOCK, "QUIT" ) or return 0; receive_from_server( \*SOCK ) or return 0;
close( SOCK ) or return 0;
return 1 }
sub send_to_server { my( $socket ) = shift; my( $message ) = shift; send( $socket, "$message\n", 0 ) or return 0; return 1 }
sub receive_from_server { my( $socket ) = shift; my( $reply ); while( $reply = <$socket> ) { return 0 if $reply =~ /^5/; last if $reply =~ /^\d+ /; } return 1 }
sub add_to_msg { my $text = shift; if( $in{$text} or $config{'empty_fields'} eq 'yes' ) { $in{$text} =~ s/\r\n/\n/g; $msg .= " [ $text: ]\n"; $msg .= "$in{$text}\n\n" } }