sub initElement()
with element.currentStyle
hiBackgroundColor = .highlightBackgroundColor
hiBorderColor = .highlightBorderColor
sortNoneImageUrl = .sortNoneImageUrl
sortUpImageUrl = .sortUpImageUrl
sortDownImageUrl = .sortDownImageUrl
posUpImageUrl = .posUpImageUrl
posDownImageUrl = .posDownImageUrl
end with
Dim MytHead
Set MytHead = element.createTHead()
MytHead.appendChild element.rows(0)
set cSelectedRows = new clsSelectedRows
Set tHead = element.tHead
if tHead is nothing then exit sub
set tHeadRow = tHead.children(0)
if tHeadRow.tagName <> "TR" then exit sub
set tBody = element.tBodies(0)
if tBody is nothing then exit sub
setRowColors true
arrHitTest = initColumns
with element
.attachEvent "onmouseover", GetRef("elementOnMouseOver")
.attachEvent "onmouseout", GetRef("elementOnMouseOut")
.attachEvent "onmousedown", GetRef("elementOnMouseDown")
.attachEvent "onmousemove",GetRef("elementOnMouseMove")
.attachEvent "onclick", GetRef("elementOnClick")
.attachEvent "ondblclick", GetRef("elementOnDblClick")
.attachEvent "onselectstart", GetRef("elementOnSelect")
end with
window.document.attachEvent "onmouseup", GetRef("elementOnMouseUp")
end sub