#22001/6/13 13:18:47
If you have QuickTime 4 or later installed on your system, you can import a QuickTime movie into Flash in order to modify the movie. However, in order to display the QuickTime movie, you must export it in QuickTime format. You cannot display a QuickTime movie in SWF format. For more information on publishing your Flash file as a QuickTime movie, see Publishing QuickTime 4 movies.
以上是从帮助里贴过来的,如果看不懂,我告诉你大意:如果你安装了quicktime4以上的版本,你可以导入mov文件到flash中,然后给于这个文件和它时间长度相同的帧数,你就可以看到了,但是它不能在swf中显示,为了显示请使用publish中的publish to Quicktime movie,也就是说,如果你要显示quicktime用flash只能生成quicktime文件,这样会失去flash的互动能力。