主题:  2G的问题


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#22001/2/3 11:57:12

How to Get Past the 2 GB Limit for QuickTime Movies

Combining Movie Files
Apple QuickTime comes with a player application which lets you combine QuickTime movie files so that they play back seamlessly and can be exported to video tape as one continuous movie. Combining movie files also lets you work around the operating system™s 2 GB limit for them Š the resulting file is relatively small because it does not contain video data, but instead links to the separate movie files. If the combined movie files do not exceed 2 GB, you can use this same technique to make a self-contained movie.
Getting Started
To combine movie files, you must use QuickTime Player (available with QuickTime 4.x for Mac OS and Windows), MoviePlayer 2.5 (Mac OS) or MoviePlayer 3 Pro (Mac OS, Windows). QuickTime 3 Pro (which includes MoviePlayer 3 Pro) is available from Apple™s Web site at www.apple.com/quicktime/upgrade/index.html. For information about QuickTime Player™s features, which include trimming, adding or removing audio tracks,exporting or importing still images, and recompressing movies with new settings, see Apple™s Web site at www.apple.com/quicktime.
To determine the version of MoviePlayer:
1. Start MoviePlayer.
2. Choose Help > About MoviePlayer (Windows) or choose About MoviePlayer from the Apple Menu (Mac OS)
and then note the version. Continue with the remaining steps only if the version is 3.
3. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel.
4. Open the QuickTime control panel:
Š In Windows, choose Start > Settings > Control Panel and then double-click the QuickTime icon.
Š In Mac OS, double-click the QuickTime Settings control panel in the System:Control Panels folder (Mac OS).
5. Choose Registration from the pop-up menu at the top of the control panel.
6. The QuickTime field will display either iiPro Player Editionle or irStandard Edition.lt
Next, if you are using Mac OS, specify the appropriate amount of RAM for QuickTime Player or MoviePlayer in
the Get Info dialog box:
1. Close all applications and then restart your computer.
2. Choose About this Computer from the Apple menu.
3. Note the Largest Unused Block value.
4. Select the QuickTime Player or MoviePlayer application icon and then choose File > Get Info.
5. Specify a value for Preferred Size that is less than 90% of the value for Largest Unused Block as determined
in step 3. This will leave approximately 10% of the available memory for the system to use as a buffer.
Combining Movie Files
To combine movie files:
1. Make sure that the movie files you wish to combine have identical settings, (e.g., frame size, frame rate,
compression settings including data rate). If they do not, you may need to re-render them in After Effects.
2. Start QuickTime Player or Movie Player.
3. Choose File > Open, select the first movie file, and then click Open.
4. Repeat Step 2 for each movie file. If you are using QuickTime Player, you will need to select File > New Player before opening each movie. You can use the Tab key to navigate through and select each movie.
5. Click the window of the first movie and then drag the playbar all the way to the right so that the last frame of the movie appears. To use the keyboard shortcut, press Option+Right Step Button (Mac OS) or
Control+Alt+Right Step Button (Windows).


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