<%Function Smile(string)
String = replace(String, "[:)]", "")
String = replace(String, "[:p]", "")
String = replace(String, "[:p]", "")
String = replace(String, "[:(]", "")
String = replace(String, "[;)]", "")
String = replace(String, "[:o]", "")
String = replace(String, "[:o]", "")
String = replace(String, "[:D]", "")
String = replace(String, "[:D]", "")
String = replace(String, "[:cool]", "")
String = replace(String, "[:rolleyes]", "")
String = replace(String, "[:mad]", "")
String = replace(String, "[:eek]", "")
String = replace(String, "[:confused]", "")
Smile = String
End function
Function ChkString(str)
if str = "" then
str = " "
if BadWordFiler = "true" then
bwords = split(BadWords, "|")
for i = 0 to ubound(bwords)
str= replace(str, bwords(i), string(len(bwords(i)),"*"), 1,-1,1)
End if
End If
' Do ASP Forum Code
str = doCode(str, "", "", "", "")
str = docode(str, "", "", "", "")
str = docode(str, "", "", "", "")
str = doCode(str, "", "", "", "")
str = doCode(str, " 引用:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ", "quote:
", "
str = doCode(str, "[img]", "[/img]", "")
str = doCode(str, "[a]", "[/a]", "", "")
str = doCode(str, "", "", "", "
if smiles = "true" then str= smile(str)
str = Replace(str, "'", "''")
str = Replace(str, "|", "/")
ChkString = str
End Function
function doCode(str, oTag, cTag, roTag, rcTag)
tx = split(str, cTag)
t = ""
for i = 0 to ubound(tx)
if lcase(oTag) = "[a]" then
p = instr(1, tx(i), "[a]", 1)
if p <> 0 then
tmp = mid(tx(i), p)
url = mid(tmp, 4)
if lcase(left(url, 5)) = "http:" then
tmp1 = Replace(tmp, "[a]"&url, ""&url&"", 1, -1, 1)
tmp1 = Replace(tmp, "[a]"&url, ""&url&"" , 1, -1, 1)
end if
t =t & Replace(tx(i), tmp, tmp1)
t = t & tx(i)
end if
cnt = instr(1,tx(i), oTag,1)
select case cnt
case 0
t=t&tx(i) & " "
case else
t = t & Replace(tx(i), oTag, roTag,1,1,1)
t = t & " " & rcTag & " "
end select
end if
doCode = t
end function